About us
Bitcoin escrow since 2013
BTC-ASIA escrow was founded by Malaysian Colbert L. in 2013, it was acquired in 2014 by Adrien Stracke. Over the years the business grew and today we are a legal company with 8 employees
Since then we have processed over 13200 BTC in transactions over 8 years. We are the only bitcoin escrow that has survived all crashes and has never been hacked.
We focus on security
For us security is never a set-it-and-forge-it solution. Instead, we encourage you to think of it as a continuous process that requires constant assessment to reduce the overall risk.
By applying a systematic approach to website security, we can think of it as an onion, with many layers of defense all coming together to form one piece. We need to view website security holistically and approach it with a defense in depth strategy.
“Best bitcoin Escrows”