We hold the cryptocurrencies in safe custody until the seller fulfills his part/service/product. We are an impartial mediator that safeguards the fulfillment of the agreement.
When it comes to buying or selling online, BTC-ASIA.com is your best option to minimize the risks involved. Buyers are protected because BTC-ASIA.com will not release funds until the Buyer has received the promised goods or services and accepts the items or services after an inspection period.
Our commission is only 1% if there is no dispute and 5% if there is a dispute.
We offer an impartial system to solving most common disputes. We are an impartial mediator who ensures that both parties do their part.
Our escrow process is entirely automated. However, for security reasons we manually process some big release of funds, and all the dispute resolution services.
We are committed to providing you with the highest levels of privacy and customer service. This includes protecting your funds privacy. We do not require KYC.
In most cases the whole process is automatic and immediate on our part, allowing you to sell or buy quickly anywhere in the world.
We are constantly monitoring transactions and any scam attempts are permanently banned.
95% of escrow funds are held in cold wallets and are only moved to the hot wallet as transactions are released.
We have passed several security audits that guarantee the security of our system against any type of attack.
If you have any problem in your escrow transaction just start a dispute, if the seller cannot prove that it has fulfilled his part the payment will be refunded to the buyer. We accept Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Binance Coin, USDT (Tether) and Monero.
You can start your transaction now, you only need your email address, BTC address, the transaction data and the other party’s email address.